Dispute Resolution ‘Made Simple’
- Low cost, secure and private dispute resolution process
- Quick to access and use
- Capped price and structure
- From 1 to 3 optional steps
- Usable online and offline
- In the privacy of home or office
- Assisted by up to three separate and independent Dispute Resolution experts (not just one as in other complaints/claims processes)
- Cannot and will not protract beyond three simple optional steps
- Can be used along with all other existing methods and forums already being used (including lawsuits)
Did you know
In any dispute, the actual choice of process you use to resolve it will dictate the very outcome you get.
Complaints, compensation claims and workplace conflict are massively growing problems. An Olive Branch helps stop complaints becoming claims. Keeping them from entering the legal system and becoming compensation claims is key. But for those that do, the quicker they are facilitated and diverted to focusing on settlement, the cheaper they will be. An Olive Branch helps to achieve both.
An Olive Branch saves businesses, insurers, State Services and employers significant payouts and liability by helping to settle internal and external stakeholder issues at minimal possible cost, in a quick, effective, cheap, informal, friendly and lasting way.
Commercial Advantages & Wide-Spread Social Benefits
An Olive Branch demonstrated to me its value in dealing with disputes in two key ways:
- at the infancy stages of a dispute thus helping to avoid escalation
- using a constructive non-aggressive communication manner aimed at resolving the dispute as well as helping to heal any underlying hurt - an important aspect often overlooked
In my opinion, this two-factor combination is powerful.
From a business perspective, organisations can also gain immensely from using an easy to access service that helps preserve customer/employee relationships, save costs and protect reputation. An Olive Branch can be used in a number of dispute areas: commercial, employee, community, medical, administrative and relationship. It is important for everyone to be able to access affordable dispute resolution and for that process to be as painless as possible. I feel that An Olive Branch has the potential to help achieve this as well as offer sound commercial advantages. I hope, and would feel privileged, to be involved in taking the product forward in sales, marketing and business development capacities across multiple sectors.
— Moralis Consulting
Working within the dispute resolution sector exploring various innovative products and services to help deliver high quality, efficient and cost-effective services
Did you know:
.....in the 5 years to 2014
- The number of workers involved in disputes in Ireland has rocketed by over 3,200%
- The total days lost to employers has escalated by almost 1,000%
- The average number of days lost per employer has tripled
- The average number of workers per dispute has spiralled by more than 850%
(source: Central Statistics Office, Ireland)
.....in the UK in 2015
- The NHS set aside approximately one quarter of its entire budget for clinical negligence (medical malpractice) litigation and compensation payouts
- Their total budget was approximately £113 billion
- This cost them over £26 billion
- This in itself exceeds the estimated deficit of the entire NHS of £23 billion for 2016
Don't Trigger Your Own Claims
Many claims are brought simply because the customer or user of your services does not receive a sufficient reply to a complaint, or an apology or acknowledgement of the mistakes made.
An Olive Branch can help your organisation to reduce your budget for claims, costs and payouts by enabling you:
- to deal with claims (and complaints that might not become claims) at an early stage and at a local level (in-house);
- communicate with complainants in a way that allows you to offer a suitable apology, concession or explanation that does not constitute admission of legal liability.